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Viola 维奥拉 ColleruitaDop特级初榨橄榄油500ml

Viola 维奥拉 ColleruitaDop特级初榨橄榄油500ml


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The Extra Virgin Olive Oil Colleruita DOP Umbria Viola is produced from the varieties of olives moraiolo, frantoio and Leccino of the hills of Roviglieto and Scandolaro. These are parsimonious plants in the form and production of the fruit, which is intertwined with the history of the people who keep them between earth and stone up to the harvest. Only a careful selection of the fruit allows to obtain this persistent aromatic charge of green olive; the balance between bitter and spicy characterizes this typical oil of Umbria.


it is complex, rich in vegetal notes of artichoke, almond and mown grass.


enveloping and elegant, of great character with tones of thistle, artichoke, black pepper and almond in closing. Bitter and spicy well expressed and balanced.


interesting for its aromatic flavor, it's perfect with lentil and vegetable soups, tuna carpaccio and swordfish; exalts cut of grilled beef and lamb ribs, porcini mushroom salads and vegetables au gratin. Excellent base for oil ice-cream to be combined with a reduction of berries.

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