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Le Tre Colonne 三擎柱 祖父萨尔瓦多 特级初榨橄榄油500ml

Le Tre Colonne 三擎柱 祖父萨尔瓦多 特级初榨橄榄油500ml


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Le Tre Colonne’s 'L'olio del Nonno Salvatore' extra virgin olive oil is a monovarietal oil obtained from cold pressing olives of Bella di Cerignola cultivar, an indigenous cultivar appreciated worldwide for its great quality. To make this distinctive product, olives are harvested at first light between October and December using mechanical facilitators, and then milled within hours of picking the fruit. The result is a delicate product that is also appreciated by children, curious to discover the good things on the table.

Tasting Notes

L'olio del Nonno Salvatore' extra virgin olive oil is a light fruity condiment with intense scents of fresh peas, broad beans and herbs.

User Advices

Ideal for seasoning and preparing children's dishes.
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